
  • ショートコード[attmgr_daily]に、パラメータ「guide」を追加しました。

    使い方: [attmgr_daily guide="week"]

    パラメータ「guide」に指定できる値は、"week" または "1week" です。

    Parameter "guide" was added to short code [attmgr_daily].
    usage: [attmgr_daily guide="week"]
    In this case, the link to each date in a week is shown.
    The value of parameter "guide" are "week" or "1week".
    In a case of "1week", the link to next week and previous week are not shown.
    Parameter "guide" may omit. If "guide" is omitted, the link to each date is not shown.

  • ショートコード[attmgr_daily]、[attmgr_weekly_all]、[attmgr_monthly_all]に、パラメータ「past」を追加しました。

    使い方(1): [attmgr_daily guide="week" past="0"]
    使い方(2): [attmgr_weekly_all past="0"]


    Parameter "past" was added to short code [attmgr_daily] and [attmgr_weekly_all] and [attmgr_monthly_all].
    usage(1): [attmgr_daily id="xx" guide="week" past="0"]
    usage(2): [attmgr_weekly_all past="0"]
    In this case, the link to the past is not shown.
    Parameter "past" may omit, and default value of "past" is "true".

  • スケジュール表ののフォントサイズを変更しました。(front.css)

    "font-size" in the of schedule table was changed.(front.css)